Community Planning Group History and Achievements
The Maude, She Oaks and Steiglitz communities produced their first combined community plan in 2011 as part of the Golden Plains Shire Community Planning Program. Since then the group has achieved the following things:
- The viewing platform concept was developed and designed. The group with the Shire's assistance successfully gained funding for the construction of the project which was completed in early 2015.
- Roadside clearing eg: removal dangerous trees and ongoing maintenance program.
- Steiglitz School building – used Seed Funding to finance a consultancy report.
- Seating project for Maude Recreation Reserve.
- Security street lighting at the community hall.
- Tidying up of the bus stop siding area and the water standpipe area on Thompsons Road.
- Community participation in the development of various shire strategic plans e.g: Paths and Trails strategy / Recreation strategy etc.
- Established a community based website for Steiglitz. Continued support for the Back to Steiglitz festival.
- Conservation project for the WW1 Honour Board and WW2 Wooden Plaque.
- Design and construction of the updated WW2 Honour Board and preservation of the WW2 Wooden Plaque.
- Improving Road Safety in the Maude, She Oaks and Steiglitz areas.
- Visitor Information Board designed in conjunction with Golden Plains Shire Council