Community Planning Group Members
Founded in 2011 the Maude, She Oaks and Steiglitz Community Planning Group was established as part of the Golden Plains Shire Community Planning Program. The program seeks to identify community needs, issues and opportunities, assist in the prioritisation of actions and projects and establish and co-ordinate project working groups. Community Co-ordinators are local residents interested in community planning. Assistance is provided by an Independent Community Planning Facilitator funded by the Golden Plains Shire Council.
The Community Planning Program assists community members to work together to develop and implement a community plan. Community Planning includes:
- Identifying common needs, issues and opportunities
- Deciding on the priority actions and projects
- Establishing working groups to implement priority projects in the plan
Co-ordinatorsLindy Allinson
Fiona Gray Bruce Harper Sue Higgs Alex Hyatt (President) Graham Johns Elaine Johns Catherine Schurmann John Tantau The members of the 'Planning Group, acknowledge the invaluable input of retired members Pauline and Alan Tournier. |
Community Planning Group meetings are held bi-monthly. ......