Maude Trash and Treasure MarketThe Maude Fire Brigade plays host to the Maude Trash, Treasure and Craft Market, held at the Maude Recreation Reserve. Set up a stall or donate unwanted goods at the Fire Brigade Stall. Enjoy local entertainment, activities for the kids and taste local produce.
Golden Plains Arts Trail |
Back to MaudeSunday, 12 April 2015
Those with an interest in or a connection with Maude were encouraged to attend the Back to Maude event held at the Maude Hall to enjoy a catch up and reminisce about the Primary School, being a member of the Tennis Club, or participating in the CFA.
Maude Viewing Platform Opening |
Saturday, 21 March & Sunday, 22 March 2015
Friday, 27 February 2015
Now in its 6th year the Golden Plains Art Trail boasts something for everyone, with artistic displays from a variety of electric local artists and the best local food and wine the region has to offer.
An admiring crowd of community focused locals attended the official opening of the Maude Viewing Platform, designed in the shape of the Bundjil Eagle, which regularly frequents the skies over Maude and has an intrenched significance in local aboriginal culture.